My Favorite Sculpt Society Workouts (and FAQs)

February 15, 2024 | |

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Picture of Megan Roup, founder of The Sculpt Society.

I did my first Sculpt Society workout back in the summer of 2022 during a phase when I was experimenting with workout platforms to shake up my routine. One of my best friends had been pushing me to try TSS workouts for a while, but I’d always hesitated because I’d heard there was a strong dance cardio element. I’m not what one would call a “great dancer,” so I was understandably skeptical, but one rainy Saturday, I decided to take the plunge.

I was hooked from that very first workout. Not gonna lie, it wasn’t pretty. As someone who thought she was in pretty good shape, Megan Roup really humbled me during those 23 minutes. The workout hit muscle groups I was clearly not used to working, and I had to pause the video several times to rest while muttering profanities under my breath and writing off anyone who chose to use the optional ankle weights during the booty combo as mentally unstable. With that said, I LOVED the challenge and appreciated Megan’s specific cues and encouragement to meet myself where I was by taking breaks and modify when necessary. (I would have anyway, but it was nice not to feel judged…) I was also surprised by how much fun I had even while my muscles were absolutely screaming.

Since incorporating The Sculpt Society into my regular workout routine, I’ve undeniably gained an impressive amount of both physical and mental strength, and I’m proud of continuing to challenge myself. TSS workouts are always a hot topic of conversation in my Instagram DMs, so I thought I’d tackle some frequently asked questions about the workouts and share a list of my favorites for those interested!

*I do partner with The Sculpt Society, but this post is not sponsored. I sometimes have a discount code, so depending on when you’re reading this SERENA50 or SERENA25 might save you some money!

Picture of workout categories on The Sculpt Society App.


What’s your workout setup? Do I need a lot of equipment?

My setup is very minimal! I play the workout on my laptop (or my phone if I’m traveling) in front of a mat. I do have hand weights, a resistance band, and a Pilates ball, but of the three, the weights are the only props I use regularly, and most workouts can be done with zero equipment. Some of the workouts do call for sliders, but I have a wood floor, so I just wear socks and slide about that way…

Do the workouts have music?

They do indeed! It’s sort of pop-y dance music (which I enjoy), and the movements are typically perfectly tied to the beat.

How challenging are these workouts? Can I do them if I’m out of shape/new to working out?

I personally find them very challenging, and the burn is real! With that said, I really do think they are accessible to all fitness levels because there are so many ways to modify, and you can always pause the videos. For the first few months, I needed to pause the video multiple times during a workout to rest, and that’s okay! And I still pause videos when I need to these days! I do recommend starting in the Slow + Controlled section to familiarize yourself with the TSS workout style and/or to build strength if you’re newer to working out. The Slow + Controlled workouts are still very challenging and efficient; they just move a little bit more slowly so that you can really focus on form without feeling overwhelmed by quick movements and transitions.

What’s the difference between the full body and sculpt workouts?

It appears that the full body workouts sometimes include dance cardio and hit arms/abs/legs/booty. The sculpt workouts have no cardio or and focus on arms/abs/booty—there’s rarely a dedicated legs section.

How sweaty am I going to get?

It depends on the workout and how sweaty of a human you are! I almost never do the 30+ minute videos unless it’s a hair washing day, but I find I typically only break a light sweat during most Slow + Controlled and most Quickie workouts.

Do all the workouts have dance cardio? I hate dance cardio!

They do not! I’d say maybe 30% of workouts include dance cardio, and the videos that don’t are clearly marked “NO CARDIO.” However, if you think you hate dance cardio, maybe give it just one shot. It thought I hated it too and am now a grapevine convert. Give me some music and I will heel-toe and shake it off with glee! It is shockingly fun to jump around to happy music in the comfort of your own home. And I challenge you not to crack a smile while doing it. Even if your dog and spouse are judging you…

How often do you do TSS workouts? What other workouts do you do?

I’m doing TSS roughly 3x a week these days. I also typically do yoga 1-2x a week and strength training 1x a week. I tend to gravitate toward the Quickie section of the TSS app because 15-25 minutes is my sweet spot when it comes to consistency. I feel like I can always find 15 minutes in my day to get some movement in, and I firmly believe in Megan’s philosophy of committing to less to show up more.

Do you still do Melissa Wood Health?! What’s the difference between MWH and TSS?

If you’ve been around for a long time, you may recall that I was a longtime Melissa Wood Health devotee. I still do a MWH workout from time to time, but they’re no longer a part of my regular routine. I did (and loved!) Melissa’s workouts almost daily for years, and I absolutely credit those workouts for helping me develop a consistent movement habit. After so many years, MWH workouts just didn’t feel challenging in the same ways they once did, and that’s why I decided to shake things up and find ways to continue building strength. In terms of the differences between the two platforms, MWH workouts are more yoga/Pilates, while TSS workouts lean more heavily on sculpt and dance cardio. In my opinion, TSS workouts are harder across the board than MWH.

If you have any other questions, feel free to drop them in the comments!

Below is a breakdown of my favorite TSS workouts by category. There are probably 600+ workouts on the app, and I’ve only done maybe a third of them, so I’ll continue to update this list as I find new favorites!

Picture of the workout categories on The Sculpt Society App.



  • 17Min Slow + Controlled Sculpt 41
  • 16Min Slow + Controlled Full Body 22
  • 16Min Slow + Controlled Full Body 42
  • 17Min Slow + Controlled Full Body 43
  • 23 Min Slow + Controlled Full Body 08
  • 22Min Slow + Controlled Sculpt 06
  • 23Min Slow + Controlled Sculpt 13
  • 20 Min Slow + Controlled Full Body 01
  • 24Min Slow + Controlled Full Body 09


  • 13Min Fully Body 36
  • 23Min Full Body 33
  • 22Min Full Body 31
  • 17Min Full Body 19
  • 17Min Full Body 20
  • 20 Min Full Body 03
  • 20 Min Full Body 29


  • 10Min Full Body 50
  • 15Min Full Body 44
  • 20Min Full Body 38
  • 23Min Full Body 34
  • 22Min Full Body 26 with Ball
  • 20Min Full Body 21


  • 19Min Cozy Sculpt 51
  • 18Min Sculpt 48
  • 18Min Sculpt 45


  • 30Min Full Body 29
  • 30Min Full Body 28
  • 30 Min Full Body 24
  • 30Min Full Body 36
  • 30Min Full Body 46


  • 10Min Dance Cardo 23
  • 10Min Dance Cardio 03
  • 19Min Dance Cardio + Dancing Arms 04
  • 7Min Dance Cardio 25
  • 10Min Dance Cardio 20


  • 6Min Stretch 02
  • 10Min Stretch 09
  • 15Min Stretch15
  • 20Min Morning Yoga 07
  • 24Min Full Body Yoga Flow
  • 20Min Stretch Flow 09


  • 43Min Full Body 33
  • 45Min Full Body 02
  • 45Min Full Body 29

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