Orzo with Tomato Basil Sauce, Zucchini, and Grilled Shrimp

IT’S GRILLING SEASON, FRIENDS!!!!! Sorry for yelling, but the aggressive use of caps and exclamation points feels necessary given that this is the very first grilling season that I have access to a real, live grill. After so many years wed to my trusty grill pan in NYC—aka The Land of Very Few Grills—using an…

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20 Easy Recipes To Make With Canned Beans

Let’s hear it for canned beans!!! So easy. So versatile. So full of nutrients and fiber. SO HOT RIGHT NOW. I never thought I’d find myself writing a love letter to canned beans, but here we are. (And if we’re being honest, fangirling over canned beans is probably the least odd thing that I’ve done…

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Easy Healthy Recipes Using Mostly Pantry Staples

Hello, friends!! I’ve been thinking about you a lot. I hope you and yours are safe, healthy, and hanging in there. I’m sending you as much love and calm through this screen as I possibly can. The world is a devastatingly scary and chaotic place right now, but I’m leaning into every little bit of…

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Skillet Cauliflower Gnocchi with Sausage and Spinach

I’m not sure how this happened, but…this is my very first blog post of 2020?! Between the #DudeDietDinnertime tour and some other professional/life happenings, we’re somehow a month and a half into the New Year, and I’ve yet to empty mah 2019 nets! Given the psychotic delay, I considered skipping my annual overshare (which usually…

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30+ Epic Game Day Recipes

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, football makes my eyes bleed. There were about two hours a few years ago when I thought I might actually understand the rules and get into the game, which I have to say was rather thrilling. But that was only because I was at an actual…

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One-Pot Cheeseburger Fusilli

Bowl of one-pot cheeseburger pasta with toppings.

OH MY GOD, IT’S DDD DAY, FRIENDS!!!!!! IT’S FINALLY HERE!!! Fair warning, I am going to be playing fast and loose with the expletives and exclamation points today. I have so many feeeeelings, and they must be expressed. The Dude Diet Dinnertime is officially out in the world, and I’d be lying if I said…

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Easy Shredded Chipotle Chicken

A haiku that sums up my thoughts about fall: Crisp air and fresh starts Back to school and routine, yay! Boots and pumpkin spice are nice Football, dear God, WHY?! There are so many things I love about autumn (the haiku format really helped me keep things succinct), but football is not one of them.…

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Italian Fried Rice

Certain things are such staples in my current life that I often forget they haven’t always been. And while I can’t pinpoint exactly how or when the majority of these wonderful items/practices appeared, I now can’t imagine surviving without them. (It makes me weirdly happy that younger Serena had no idea these glorious things would…

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Pasta Salad with Arugula, Roasted Red Peppers, and Sweet Corn

At this point in your weird blog lady’s life, there are very few recipe “concepts” that I haven’t tackled on this site. Over the past 7+ years, I’ve dipped into myriad cuisines, flavor combinations, and meal types—from vegan bowls to ridiculously indulgent food porn fantasies (see here and here) and many thangs in between. However,…

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Mediterranean Grilled Skirt Steak Flatbreads

One of my favorite “activities” when I can’t fall asleep at night is to mentally design my dream house. Not only is it much more fun (and arguably less creepy) than counting sheep, but it’s also a surprisingly effective method of quieting this weird blog lady’s anxious mind. Over the years, I’ve constructed quite the…

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Crispy Orange Chicken with Lemon-Ginger Broccoli Rice

I used to have a rather intense obsession with an American Chinese chain restaurant called Panda Express. It was an integral part of my ‘tween Saturday nights. Arguably the highlight. As long as I promised to text on my giant Nokia cell phone, bring a sweater in case I got chilly in my Juicy Couture…

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My Favorite Blog Recipes

Here’s the thing, friends: I love every single recipe that on this site. If I didn’t think something was 100% delicious, I wouldn’t bother posting it. I have standards, dammit. With that said, there are hundreds of creations in the Domesticate Me archives, and I’d be lying if I said they were all created equal…

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Simple Sausage and White Bean Soup

I regret to inform you that last week, Chateau Logena was struck by the man flu plague. It was gross. I can’t really complain because honestly, we were due. Neither Logan nor I have been really good and sick for a long time, and since we’ve both been exhausted and traveling a lot, it was…

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Stir-Fried Shrimp Lettuce Wraps with Grapefruit and Avocado

Whelp, it’s still winter. Snow is gently falling in NYC, and I’m currently watching people scurry along the street below in their finest Arctic ensembles. Not gonna lie, I’m dreading venturing into the tundra this afternoon. I’m generally not a winter hater. In fact, I love me some winter. As I’ve discussed at length before,…

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Butternut Squash Flatbread with Sausage and Caramelized Onions

My roommate and I typically throw two big annual shindigs: Cinco de Mayo and Logena Christmas. I love them both dearly—and it feels wrong to pick a favorite—but if we’re being honest, I’ve always sliiightly preferred the holiday celebration. Not only does it let me tap into my inner Buddy the Elf, but it also…

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One-Pot Noodles with Chicken, Butternut Squash and Bok Choy

It’s full-blown Thanksgiving madness on the Internets right now, which I obviously support. God knows I love T-Day. But since we’re a week out, I figure you’ve likely got your menu locked in at this point (if not, these are my best offerings) and may be down with some everyday fare. I mean, we’ve all…

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Personal Frittata with Prosciutto, Herb Goat Cheese, and Arugula

Re-watching Queer Eye Tears and back-to-basics meals Cookbook deadline, help! This is a haiku I wrote that I feel accurately depicts my life right now. (Thank you for supporting my artistic flair.) To those wondering why I would ever expose myself to the emotional rollercoaster that is Queer Eye leading up to my book deadline…

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Whole-Grain Zucchini Bread Bites

I’ve always been a big list maker. I’m just that type of person. I also tend to make said lists on random scraps of paper and Post-Its and then promptly lose them. I’m also that type of person. Luckily, my summer bucket list is pretty much the same every single year, and I’ve committed it…

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Grilled Hot Dogs with Peach-Jalapeño Salsa

I feel like you may be surprised to learn this fun fact about your weird blog lady, but I LOVE hot dogs. They taste delicious, sure, but it’s also a nostalgia thing. I was a psychotically picky eater as a kid, and hot dogs were one of the few non-beige food items I would eat.…

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Grilled Steak and Arugula Salad with Balsamic Cherries

Baths. Early 2000s teen soaps. Yolk porn. High-waisted jeans. Trashy novels. Gummy bears. Summer. Dinner salads. Wine. What do all of these seemingly random things have in common, you may ask??? They are some of my greatest life passions. (If you’re not picturing me at my desk singing “These are a few of my faaaaaavorite…

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Rainbow Chopped Salad with Sesame-Garlic Dressing

Happy Friday, friends!! I have a gnarly sinus infection! Not gonna lie, life’s been a real strugglefest this week. I actually started feeling sick early last week, but I figured it was just a spring cold/allergy combo, so I wasn’t overly concerned. I hit all the natural remedies hard (with a healthy side of Theraflu),…

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