Spicy Jicama Tortilla Soup with Shrimp

My true colors are showing, and I apologize. I do my best to keep my personal food fetishes under control on this site because I realize that everyone has different tastes, and I like to cover all my bases/feed as many of you as humanly possible. After all, one (supposedly) can’t live on tacos, quinoa bakes,…

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Grilled Chicken Skewers with Watermelon Salsa and Feta

My roommate and I spend an embarrassing amount of time fantasizing about our future home. I believe in dreaming big, so I like to picture us living in a sprawling Nancy Meyers’ estate somewhere by the beach. The whole place is light and airy, and we sleep in a custom oversize canopy bed that comfortably…

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Lemon Chicken Quinoa Bake with Asparagus and Fontina

Logan and I have been together a long time. And the longer we’re together, the more I revel in the fact that it’s cool for us not to love all the same things. I’ve talked about this subject at length before, but I’d like to reiterate that it’s pretty awesome to have reached the point…

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Peach-Cherry Smoothie and Coconut Chia Pudding Parfaits

During the summer months, I tend to make the common sense transition from warm breakfasts like slow-cooker oatmeal and eggs to more refreshing options like chia pudding and smoothies. It’s hot as balls in NYC, and since there’s no AC in my kitchen, I like to get in, out, and back in front of my…

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Caprese Egg-in-the-Hole

Until a few weeks ago, I hadn’t had an egg-in-the hole in like 20 years. (Typing that just made me feel old AF. Jesus.) Egg-in-the-hole was never really a “thing” in my family. Growing up, my weekday breakfasts of choice were toasted Costco blueberry muffins, cinnamon toast, or Kix, and on weekends, my mom specialized in crepe-like…

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Summer Quinoa Bowl with Grilled Salmon and Basil Vinaigrette

I’m setting a wedding attendance personal best this week, people! Yours truly has already crushed two nuptial celebrations in the past five days, and I’m heading out to Southampton for wedding #3 in a few hours. I wish there was someone here to chest bump. (Meghan and Mrs. Pat: If you’re reading this, HI! I…

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Marinated Skirt Steak with Sweet Corn and Cherry Salad

Summer is almost here, people, and this kid is very excited about it. Last summer was a blur of recipe testing for ze Dude Diet book, and I spent the majority of June-August hugging my air conditioner in between endless batches of DD chili and various game day finger foods. It wasn’t all bad (the chili…

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Thai Red Curry with Shrimp and Rice Noodles

I love Vegas. People are always surprised by this fun fact—probably because I appear super classy (riiiight???)—but my affection for Sin City is long-standing, and it runs DEEP. I’m tempted to tell you about all the childhood vacations I spent there, but that would take hours, and it’s possible that you’re only here for the…

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Avocado Chicken Salad Lettuce Wraps

I had this post all planned out in my head. There would be an Avocado Chicken Salad inspiration story, deep thoughts on eating lots of green things after your Cinco de Mayo tacos and tequila, and a laundry list of potential #sassydesklunch recipe variations. It wasn’t exactly groundbreaking, but it was straight-forward, topical, and informative,…

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Seared Scallop Tacos with Spring Mango Salsa and Avocado Cream

Cinco de Mayo is coming, and I’m ecstatic. It seems like everyone has had something to be Logan-style psyched about over the past couple weeks, and I’ve been feeling just the teensiest bit left out. The Goopies got It’s All Easy. Game of Thrones fans got their premiere. The Beyonce worshippers (aka most humans) got…

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Zucchini Noodle Salad with Spicy Almond Dressing

Wedding season is officially upon us, friends. Logan and I kicked things off with his bestie’s nuptials on Harbour Island last weekend, and it was one of the most glorious weekends, wedding or otherwise, in recent memory. If you’ve been to Harbour Island, you already know that it’s basically heaven on earth. (And if you…

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Loaded Vegetarian Sweet Potatoes

Logan LOVES to scare me. And I’m not talking about his eating habits and music taste here (although those are undeniably terrifying)—I mean it much more literally. The dude takes great pleasure in hiding behind things/sneaking up on me just to witness my reaction. Said reaction typically involves me screaming at the top of my…

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Lemon-Coconut Energy Bites

It’s Friday, I had a few too many “tastes” of wine last night, and I feel like today’s post is a challenge in not making ball jokes. (I actually changed “balls” to “bites” in the recipe title to avoid have to say “balls” infinity times, yet all I can think about right now is the…

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Chicken with Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Feta

As I may have mentioned once or twice before, I watch a truly impressive amount of television. In fact, after my rather surprising keg-standing abilities and limbo skills, my comprehensive TV knowledge is probably my best party trick. Want to talk about The People vs. OJ Simpson? Cool. I’m up to date. Same goes for…

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Casual Friday: Coconut-Banana French Toast Cups

These (dairy-free!) French Toast Cups couldn't be easier, and they're the perfect addition to a healthy breakfast/brunch spread. TGI(Casual)F, people. We’ve got Coconut-Banana French Toast Cups, random musings, and internet stuff to cover, so let’s get right to it. First, these French toast cups are ridiculously awesome. A coconut milk-based custard dressed up with mashed bananas, brown sugar and a…

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Chocolate Covered Banana Chia Pudding

If you spend time here on the reg, you already know that I will shamelessly try just about anything that promises to make me smarter, prettier, and/or healthier. (Except for vigorous exercise. Not into it.) I suffer from self-diagnosed “trend ADD,” and I’m basically every wellness marketer’s dream girl. As excellent as I am at testing new health and…

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Barbecue Chicken Quinoa Bake

Last winter, I attended a very exclusive hipster concert in Brooklyn. If that seems slightly out of character for me, that’s because it is—my friend Bay tricked me into it. She asked if I was free one Tuesday night, and when I said yes (assuming she wanted to grab dinner or drinks), Bay informed me…

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Golden Bell Pepper Soup

Truth be told, I tend to get a little weirded out by strangers who are overly friendly. I’m not proud of this fact, but I blame living in NYC for my shameless cynicism. New Yorkers aren’t exactly known for their warm-fuzziness, and we tend to go about our business as quickly and efficiently as possible, minimizing…

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Casual Friday: Sesame and Black Pepper Granola

It’s the last Friday of February, people. I’m glad you’re here. Let’s get casual. First, we need to talk about this savory granola situation. The inspiration for this oat-based awesomeness actually stemmed from an accident—I mistook a bag of sesame seeds for chia while testing a Dude Diet granola recipe a few months ago. Not wanting…

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Zucchini Noodles with Portobello Bolognese

Apparently, I’m rather hard to shop for. According to my roommate and most of my family members, they never know what to get me for Christmas/my birthday, and it seems to be a very real source of stress for them. This is ridiculous. As I regularly tell Logan et al., I’m extremely easy to please, and I love…

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