Blueberry-Banana Oatmeal Pancakes

It’s Friday, friends. Let’s get casual, shall we? We’re going to poke around on the Internets shortly, but first I have very important pancake matters to discuss. I really love pancakes, but they’ve always been more of a special occasion thing for me. My mom makes them on Christmas, I’ll order a good ricotta version at…

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Spring Vegetable Soup with Farro and Chicken Sausage

Whelp, friends, I’m back from spring break (WHOOO!). I had a note in my editorial calendar to write a “return from vacation post” about how relaxed, rejuvenated, and creatively restored I feel. And I did sit down to write that post this morning. But then I remembered how much I hate to lie to you.…

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Sweet Potato Avocado Toast with Crispy Prosciutto

Fun facts I’ve learned about myself on the road these past few weeks… I sleep best to “light rain” on my sound soother app. Even though the rushing water makes me feel like I kinda have to pee while I’m nodding off. 1½ cups of coffee is the sweet spot before being on cam-ah-raahhh. Any…

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Bulgogi Chicken Bowls with Coconut Cauliflower Rice

I’ve partnered with SmartMade™ to create this post. I hope you dig it.  I like to be trendy. I don’t like that I like to be trendy, but I can’t help it. This applies to my clothes, hair (dear God, does anyone remember my “sassy” 2014 lob?!), and skincare, sure, but I mostly like to…

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Casual Friday: Berry-Cherry Smoothie

Happiest of Casual Fridays from Charleston!! You know the drill. First we talk food, then we peruse random things on the Interwebs. We’re doing it extra quick and dirty today because the sun is shining, I’ve had 2 cups of coffee (read: I’m teetering on the edge of a panic attack), and I need to…

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Cottage Pie Baked Potatoes

Greetings from the air, friends!! I’m currently winging my way from Richmond to Minneapolis and not gonna lie, I’m a little nervous about the transition. ‘Twas a balmy 75 and sunny in RVA yesterday, tricking me into thinking it was already spring. I took myself out to a sassy business lunch, sat outside listening to…

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5-Ingredient Skillet Eggs with Spinach and Roasted Cauliflower

The Dude Diet Tour is officially off to ze races, and I’m equal parts Logan-style psyched and (characteristically?) anxious. My anxiety has nothing to do with the upcoming events and appearances—you know I live for stranger hugs, microphones, and on cam-ah-rahhh opportunities—it’s 100% travel-related. I may or may not have mentioned this before, but… I…

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Roasted Potato, Corn, and Leek Chowder

Happy Valentine’s Day, friends and lovahhhhs!! My roommate gets enough love around these parts, so I’m going to skip gushing over the dude and his wonderland bod today. (Although he did surprise me by revealing via a card hidden in his underwear drawer that he’s coming home a day early from his work trip to…

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Casual Friday: Spicy Bean and Cheese Taquitos

Happy casual Friday, weirdos. You know the drill. First we talk food, then we waste time on the Internet. Let’s get right to it. At long last, the taquitos are here!!! And just in time for your Super Bowl extravaganzas. Like most finger foods, these bad boys were inspired by my roommate, who loves taquitos…

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Stuffed Poblano Quinoa Bake

Greetings from LA, people of the Internet! I’m here all week for work-related activities, and I’m squeezing in some QT with my dad, little brother, and a handful of my favorite LA residents, which is always a treat. I just feel healthier and happier when I’m here and all connected to my Californian roots and…

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Chicken and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Farro

This is a weird month for my roommate and me. Both of us are traveling a ton, and somehow we only overlap for a total of five days in January. This is bad. Very bad. Superbad, if you will. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for alone time, and I personally find that occasional separation…

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Sausage and Kale Lasagna Soup

Please allow me to introduce Sausage and Kale Lasagna Soup. The hungover lazy human’s healthy solution to a lasagna craving! I’ve been making some version of this soup for years now, and I’m pumped to finally share its wonders with all of you. The one-pot recipe delivers all the badass, comforting flavors of lasagna (Noodles!…

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The Dude Diet: 5-Day Jumpstart Plan

How’s it hanging in this fine New Year, dudes? If you’re anything like the dudes I know, shit may have hit the fan slightly over the holiday season. No judgment. I obviously feel you—as Logan likes to say, “So many pigs in a blanket, so little time.” But with the holidays in the rearview, I…

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One Skillet Braised Chicken Thighs with Spinach and White Beans

I’ve developed a new obsession, and it’s scaring me. Literally. A few weeks ago, a friend told me about this podcast she’s into called My Favorite Murder. (Not to be confused with the Making a Murderer podcast spawned by the Netflix docuseries on Steven Avery. Although that is also decent.) She described it as a “funny true crime…

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Turkey Un-Fried Rice

Heyo, HAPPY THANKSGIVING WEEK, friends!!! I hope you’re half as pumped for Thursday as I am. For the record, my excitement level is currently somewhere between my roommate pre-proposal and Tom Cruise couch jumping. And it’s only Tuesday. I’m trying to keep it together and be productive, but my mind keeps drifting to my turkey…

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Morning Glory Bread

Back in August, my roommate and I went fly fishing in Idaho. I do not like fly fishing. Truth. Logan likes fly fishing, and he has done an excellent job of convincing himself that I also enjoy the “sport.” In fact, when I failed to express adequate enthusiasm over his booking a guide for the…

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Spicy Chicken and Sweet Potato Noodle Bowls

I’m late to a lot of parties. Literally and figuratively. And to be perfectly honest, I’m 100 percent cool with that—especially when it comes to things like trendy books, music, movies, and foodstuffs. (I’m never late to a TV party. You know this.) By the time I get around to experiencing the wonders of a given…

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Egg Roll Bowls

When I was at boarding school, there was an awesomely terrible Chinese delivery spot in town called China Star. I’m pretty sure 99% of their business came from Taft students, and since I crushed 2-3 white carton meals a week my sophomore year, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that I may…

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Chipotle Chicken Stew

I do not like full-grown dogs, but I’m freakishly obsessed with puppies, and I very much want one. I’ve noticed that I make a weird noise in my throat when I see particularly fluffy puppers on the street/social media. Most of my favorite songs are about smoking weed and/or pole dancing. In real life, weed…

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Roasted Cauliflower Parmesan

One of the most frequent questions I get as a food blogger is, “Where do you find your recipe inspiration?” Usually, the answer to this question is pretty straightforward: Magazines. Cookbooks. Restaurants. Logan. But every once in a while, it’s a really badass experience that inspires an epic meal, and in this case, it was…

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Pumpkin Spice Latte Overnight Oats with Maple Pepitas

I feel like everyone under the age of 60 has gone through a Starbucks phase at some point, yes? Mine was in college, and I’m mildly ashamed to admit that I had an extreme white girl affinity for skinny vanilla and (seasonally appropriate) pumpkin spice lattes. For the record—and I know I’m aging myself here—they weren’t…

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Sriracha Chicken Salad Collard Wraps

I’m fully embracing back-to-school mode. I’m obviously not returning to the classroom in the literal sense (which never gets less upsetting), but I’m still itching to get my life organized before the official arrival of fall. After a long and glorious summer filled with weddings, vacation, and rosé funneling, my home/office/psyche is a hot mess, and something…

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Roasted BBQ Cauliflower Salad

With the exception of football season, during which I make things like sliders and chicken fingies to avoid watching the foose, I don’t spend much time in the kitchen on weekends. Saturday’s meals are typically exercises in becoming a “regular” at local spots (To the staff at Jeffrey’s Grocery: How much booze and avocado toast…

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Grilled Tuna Tostadas with Black Bean-Mango Salsa

I scare easily. And not just when my roommate sneaks up on me, or the Internet threatens a sriracha shortage. I’m talking about the big stuff. You know, spontaneously combusting cell phones, microwave radiation, Toxic Shock Syndrome, eating too many carrots and turning orange, getting a cramp and dying in the pool after lunch because…

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