10 Spring Recipes To Make ASAP

I’m currently sitting at my desk, and the view through my office window is strange and unfamiliar. It’s sunny. A big tree I don’t know the name of is swaying in the breeze, and it has fluffy white FLOWERS all over it. I just saw a girl on the sidewalk wearing a blazer as outerwear.…

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Chicken Parmesan Pasta

Friends. I’ve been a very, very bad blog lady. I made this delicious Chicken Parm Pasta forever ago, and the sexy video I posted of it on Instagram got some peeps all hot and bothered. I promised the recipe was “coming soon,” and then…I completely forgot about it. Chalk it up to cookbook brain. And…

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The Dude Diet: Buffalo Chicken Quinoa Bake (and BIG NEWS!)

Happy my birthday to you, friends!!! Given that today is my favorite day of the year, I thought it an appropriate time to drop some big news, feeeeeelings, and an epic quinoa bake. I’m Logan-style PSYCHED about it. (I also feel like I might throw up a little.) Here’s the thing. I’ve been contemplating this…

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Personal Broccoli Parm Frittata

As you may or may not know, yours truly did a stint in gay Paris from spring 2010 through fall 2011. The Parisian tenure was glorious and life changing overall (I went to Le Cordon Bleu! I became “La Fille Sans Tomates”! I started this blog! I met my roommate!), but the early days? Little…

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Sweet Potato and Black Bean Stew with Quinoa and Kale

I don’t know if it’s the extreme cold in NYC, the move, or the fact that my roommate has been out of town a lot recently, but I realized yesterday that I’ve spun quiiiite the self-soothing cocoon over the past few weeks. It’s nice in here. Cozy. Not super exciting, but that’s kind of the…

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Salad with Chicken, Roasted Grapes and Manchego

Did I tell you I moved? I talk about it all the time on Instagram, but I can’t remember if I mentioned it here. My brain feels mushy. Sooo… Guess what?!!! I MOVED. Two weeks ago, my roommate and I packed up all our earthly possessions and relocated (a whole 5 blocks!) to some brand…

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30+ Delicious Whole30 Recipes

I’ve never done The Whole30. Have you? Did you like it?? Are you doing it right now??? (If so, you go, Glen Coco! You crushing it!) On the off chance you’re not familiar with The Whole30, it’s basically a 30-day elimination diet. The premise is that cutting out the most common inflammatory food groups for…

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Butternut and Brussels Sprout Breakfast Quesadillas

Sup, friends? We survived the first few days of 2018!! How you feeling? I hope you’re keeping it together amidst NEW YEAR, NEW YOU madness (so intense) and not crying on Master Cleanse or sacrificing your firstborn child for a Peloton bike. Today is a very exciting day, and one of my favorite blog events…

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Pumpkin-Pecan Pie Truffles

Last week my roommate had his company holiday party, which just so happened to be a New York City pizza tour. First of all, snaps to the genius that came up with this glorious idea. I can’t say for sure because I’ve never been to an office holiday party (#selfemployment), but I imagine spending an…

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Lemon-Herb Roasted Turkey Breast

T-1 WEEK, people!!! It’s all Thanksgiving all the time for the next week, and I am psyched. Your weird blog lady lives and breathes for this holiday—it’s basically Domesticate ME!’s Super Bowl—so I hope you’re ready to leave it all out on the field next Thursday. Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t LOSE, etc. Virtual butt…

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Casual Friday: Chicken Sausage Breakfast Tacos

TGICasual Friday, party people!! You know the drill. First we talk food, then we waste time on the Internet. Let’s do this. Breakfast and tacos are two of my very favorite things, so breakfast tacos clearly bring me a shameless amount of joy. I’m not above simply rolling up some eggs and salsa in a…

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The Dude Diet: Pizza Steak Quinoa Bake

Today is a big day, Dude Dieters. HUGE. Not only is it quarterly quinoa bake day (hallelujah), it’s also the one-year anniversary of The Dude Diet’s release into the wild!! It feels like it’s been a week since the book’s launch but also ten years at the same time? It’s weird. Reflecting on the batshit…

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Summer Cauliflower Rice Bowls with Bacon and Pesto

Greetings from my remote office in Santa Barbara, friends! T-3 weeks to Logena2k17, and I’m psyched. A little nervous, a little stressed, but I’ve been chugging calcium-magnesium cocktails and doing a lot of yoga, so mostly just excited. Hallelujah. To be fair, I’m not as crazypants as I thought I would be at this point…

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Cauliflower Fried "Rice" with Shrimp

These days I’ve been all about the cauliflower fried “rice,” and this recent iteration with shrimp was too good not to pass along to you. I’ve waxed poetic about my obsession with cauliflower “rice” too many times before, so I’m going to skip gushing over my love of this trend-turned-staple and get right to the…

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Greek Yogurt Curried Chicken Salad

I honestly never thought I’d type this sentence, but… I’ve been exercising a lot lately. This is shocking, mostly because I’ve never been that into exercise. I’m decently coordinated, so I was okay at sports as a kid, but I didn’t really commit to or become great at anything except karate. And that was only…

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Fiesta Summer Salad with Grilled Romaine

Today is a great day, friends. Not only did Beyoncé post this picture and finally reveal her twin babies’ names, which are delightfully ludicrous,* but I also discovered my new fitness guru on YouTube and ate a really, really, ridiculously good peach! Plus, it’s Friday, and for the first time in two months, I’m not…

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Seedy Soba Noodles with Asian Herbs

I’m sort of mesmerized by how DJ Khaled keeps dropping fire singles what seems like every other week. He’s been around forever (remember We Takin’ Over??), and I feel like people used to hate on his cheesy “hip hop,” but all of a sudden he’s making bangers with everyone and their mother, including Beyoncé and…

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Spicy Mango-Avocado Poké Lettuce Wraps

When I started planning the #dudediettour, I had grand plans to do some serious culinary adventuring in each of the cities on my agenda. I envisioned taking myself on romantic solo dates all over the country (à la Paris circa 2010), sipping cocktails and sampling the best local fare, which I’d have discovered via extensive…

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Summer Vegetable Quinoa Bake

I have no clue why I bother making an editorial calendar. Before we go any further, if you’re picturing some sort of fancy, meticulously organized, color-coordinated wall calendar…stop it. My “editorial calendar” is a plain old Google cal in which I write the names of recipes (and sometimes a quick note on their inspiration) that…

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Baked Sweet Potato Fries with Coconut Oil-Sriracha Aioli

Happy Fry-day, friends!! (I’m so sorry. I had to.) There’s a lot to discuss regarding the origin of these addictive sweet potato fries and their magical dipping sauce, so let’s get right to it. The recipe is ripped from the pages of Phoebe Lapine’s badass new book, The Wellness Project: How I Learned to Do…

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Curried Chicken Paillard with Mango and Cherry Tomato Relish

I spent the past weekend in Mexico City on one of my bestie’s bachelorettes, and it was glorious. Honestly, it was the least bachelorette-y bachelorette in the best possible way. No disrespect to the traditional bach—I will be drinking yard-long Miami Vices in a white bedazzled bikini on the Vegas strip come August—but there is…

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Carrot Cake Energy Bites

I associate carrot cake with booze and my best friend, and therefore it makes me happy. In late high school, college, and the early “adult” (muahahah) years, Fifi and I frequented a very fancy restaurant called Hot & Crusty. This delicious and not remotely sexual sounding establishment is an NYC chain, and there happens to…

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