8 Sexy Green Salads for Spring

Guess what???!!! Widespread Panic is coming to Brooklyn this weekend, and they’re playing TWO shows. I’m like so excited/anxious I can’t sleep at night. I’ve been listening exclusively to PanicStream and obsessively checking out setlists from the past few weeks trying to figure out what they might have in store. Between you and me, I…

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Banana-Berry Baked Oatmeal Bites

Yesterday’s culinary experiments were an absolute shitshow. I know that’s a harsh opening line for your casual blog reading, and I’m sorry, but dear GOD, perfecting these Banana-Berry Baked Oatmeal Bites was a nightmare. I’m still recovering from the trauma. For the sake of back story, I’ve been wanting to experiment with baked oatmeal for…

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Portobello Fajitas with Chipotle Cashew Cream

Fajitas remind me of Scotland. This may seem like a ridiculous association, but given the fact that I practically lived on them during the spring of 2008, it’s very real. I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned it, but yours truly studied abroad at Scotland’s very own University of St. Andrews her junior spring. I had…

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Lasagna Quinoa Bake with Chicken, Spinach and Mushrooms

It’s sort of a joke amongst my family members that I have terrible taste in movies. This is completely ridiculous and based on a one-time claim that A Night at the Roxbury was the best movie I had ever seen. So, pretty much anytime I recommend a movie, somebody will be like, “Well, you thought…

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Tropical Ginger Smoothie

Glass of orange smoothie with red and white spiral straw behind are ginger root , a mango, and a halved orange.

I would give anything right now for this smoothie with an aggressive Mount Gay floater. I’m currently writing to you from the sky, friends, and the situation is grim. We’re only 2½ hours into the flight and my roommate’s passed out (legs spread, death snore in full effect), I’ve consumed my entire snack pack (even…

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Baked Eggs with Chicken Sausage, Quinoa and Salsa Verde

I do my best to keep things fresh around here. Knowing (and appreciating) that you take time out of your very busy and important schedules to come hang out, I really try to mix it up on the both the narrative and recipe fronts each week. Thank you and you’re welcome! I probably shouldn’t tell…

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5-Day Detox Plan

It’s spring! You know what that means? It means that it’s almost summer. In case you’ve forgotten, summer is very hot, and it requires taking off a lot of clothing. In public. If the thought of such nudity post-polar vortex makes you anxious, please know that you are not alone. In fact, I’ve been receiving…

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Slow-Roasted Chicken Tacos with Mediterranean Salsa

When I first moved to Paris, I frequented an adorable rotisserie chicken stand a couple blocks from my apartment. While the smell was intoxicating, and the golden poulets rôtis were truly a sight to behold, I must admit that I was first drawn to the place based on the very sexy dude handling the birds.…

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Ahi Nachos with Pickled Red Onions and Wasabi Crema

In general, I’m all about the “yes.” From moving to Paris (excellent idea) to sporting a Winona pixie cut (not-so-excellent idea), I’ll try pretty much anything once, which is something I’m proud of. In fact, after “sparkling wit” and “good hugger,” I think my overall “yes” mentality may be my best quality. With that said, I’m…

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24 Kickass Recipes for Every Type of Valentine’s Day Celebration

Brace yourself, friends. It’s Valentine’s Week on Domesticate ME! I realize that three V-Day posts may ruffle some feathers given people’s conflicting opinions on the so-called “Hallmark holiday,” but please indulge me. I’ve mentioned before that I’m a die-hard fan of February 14th, and I’m hoping to get as many of you on board the…

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Open-Face Buffalo Chicken Subs with Ranch Slaw

I really enjoy my own parties. I know and like most of the guests (especially the ones that bring me presents), the food is bomb, I can take my shoes off if I need to, and it’s comforting to know that my bed is never more than a few steps away. If I had it…

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Lemon-Dijon Chicken Salad with Pomegranate and Toasted Almonds

There aren’t enough hours in the day. That statement has really resonated with me lately. I’ve got a lot of balls in the air, and for the past few months, I’ve been feeling particularly stressed about getting everything done. While productivity has been high, so have my anxiety levels, and my white girl insomnia is…

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Pork and Pinto Bean Chili

I try not to talk about the weather too much on this site or use excessive profanity, but Jesus fuckballs it’s been COLD lately. I don’t do well in the cold. Being from Santa Barbara, I’m kind of a pussy about low temps to begin with, but I also have legitimately terrible circulation (a doctor…

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Pan-Seared Halibut with Citrus-Jalapeño Salsa

#NEWYEARNEWYOU mania is in full force right now, and it’s a little stressful, no? I’ve mentioned many times before that I don’t like to make New Year’s resolutions (I crack under the pressure), but I do try to take a little time every January to reflect on the past 12 months, make some general goals,…

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Domesticate ME!’s Top 14 Recipes of 2014

Happy New Year’s Eve, friends!! Apologies for going dark last week, but I was doing some quality time in Virginia with my mother and great uncle. Between the festive bourbon drinking, present opening, and dial-up internet, I was forced to go on a little hiatus. I figured you were busy too. Now that I’m back…

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Butternut Squash and Brussels Sprout Fried Rice

I’ve been doing a lot of my best thinking in the car. It’s not like I spend that much time driving, but I do log a solid 4 hours per week to cook for Smash in the Dirty Jers, and my productivity during that period has really skyrocketed recently. No one is more surprised by…

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Tomato and White Bean Stew with Chicken Sausage

It’s Thanksgiving MADNESS, people. It’s a lot, and I’m starting to scare myself. Fact: I just spent an inordinate amount of time looking at over-the-top holiday tablescapes on the interwebs and wondering if I do, in fact, need to paint miniature pumpkins, weave a burlap table runner, or teach my roommate the art of homemade…

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Hasselback Sweet Potatoes with Parmesan and Sage

So it’s officially Thanksgiving mania on the internet. Can we all agree that it’s simultaneously glorious and overwhelming? As I’ve mentioned many times before, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday (closely followed by my birthday, Christmas and Cinco de Mayo). And given my domestic skills, I’m sure you’re imagining my T-Day table as a fabulous smorgasbord…

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Açaí Power Parfait

I spent the past weekend in San Francisco, and it was glorious. I crushed a couple very slow walks hikes, basked in the perfect California weather, mainlined frozen mimosas, and got in some serious QT with my favorite people. I was the happiest. Then I took the red-eye home, and now all I feel is pain.…

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Slow Cooker Apple Pie Oatmeal

To say that I’m “not a morning person” would be a gross understatement. In fact, I actually terrify myself in the early hours of the am. It’s not so much the way I look (although that also upsets me), it’s more that my brain only functions at approximately 2% of its genius(?) potential for the…

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