Brown Rice Noodle Soup with Spicy Pork and Greens

My apartment building has freakishly tiny mailboxes. To be completely honest, the situation is very annoying and kind of ridiculous. I’m not sure how the mailman does it, but he somehow bundles the mail in such a way that it gets into the box, but then I can’t get it out. It takes me like…

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Vegetable Fajita Salad with Chipotle Vinaigrette

As I’ve mentioned many times before, I am a die-hard fan of Cinco de Mayo. I love any excuse to consume mass quantities of tacos and margaritas, so this holiday is basically a dream come true on the food front. To celebrate, my roommate and I decided to throw a little fiesta at our apartment.…

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Chipotle Mashed Sweet Potatoes with Pomegranate-Pistachio Guacamole

Based on the commitment to healthy eating demonstrated on this blog, and the fact that I masterminded what will surely become a diet/lifestyle phenomenon, one would assume that I’ve always had a firm grasp on nutrition. Perhaps you picture me as a Gwyneth-like pre-teen, eating quinoa salads, drinking green juice, and insisting that my mother…

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Crispy Fish Tacos with Mango Salsa and Avocado Salsa Verde

Apologies for going MIA unannounced last week and leaving you with nothing but Tastemade videos. That was the worst, but it couldn’t be helped. I had to go on a last-minute vacation to Guatemala. Just to give you a little back story, my roommate and I actually planned this Central American adventure a couple months…

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Fiesta Baked Eggs with Farro and Black Beans

When people find out that I’m a food blogger, they often turn to my roommate and say, “You’re so lucky! You must eat gourmet meals every night!” On these occasions, I put on my very best modest smile and say something like, “No, no, no. Of course not! During the week, I mostly just make…

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10 Foolproof Recipes For Spring

This winter was is a shit show. Those words look harsh on my computer screen, but you know it’s true. It’s been cold and gray for so long that I feel like we’re living in that creepy world from Frozen that Adele Dazeem sang about at the Oscars. Plus, I’m deathly pale, my hair is…

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The Best Tropical Green Smoothie

A lot of terrible things have happened this week. First, there was the failure of my Tyler Florence eggs-periment (had to), followed by constant, LOUD construction in my building that makes me feel mildly homicidal no matter how much I turn up Beyoncé, and I’ve had several True Detective-induced nightmares. (For the record, the theme…

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Bacon Fried Rice with Broccoli and Wilted Greens

In the excitement leading up to my birthday, I always forget about what happens next: THE COMEDOWN. Far worse than the day after Christmas, birthday princess comedown is pretty horrific. Not only is there another whole year until my next birthday, but I’m also older, slightly puffier (due to excessive consumption of cake and champagne),…

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Thai "Summer Roll" Salad with Shrimp and Mango

This coming Saturday is my 27th birthday. As some of you may know, my birthday is my favorite day of the year, and I’m obviously looking forward to being a shameless birthday princess this weekend. That said, 27 is my scary age, and I’m not exactly thrilled to be another year older, as I still…

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Chia Seed Pork Meatballs with Spicy Ginger-Soy Glaze

Dr. Oz ate my meatballs this morning. Pause for dramatic effect. Let’s back up for a second. Last Thursday, I received an email from a producer at The Doctor Oz Show asking whether I’d like to participate in a segment they were doing on chia seeds. Needless to say, I was pumped. I obviously love…

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Roasted Tomato Basil Soup

As a kid, I was a really good skier. However, I took an extended hiatus from the sport between the ages of 14 and 24, and when I returned to the slopes in 2011, it was with a healthy fear of death. Call me crazy, but I no longer enjoy racing through the trees or “shredding…

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Kale Salad with Edamame, Roasted Cashews and Miso Dressing

In the chaos of last week’s holiday and my sister getting hit by an SUV, I overlooked one of my favorite days of the year… NUDIE MAGAZINE DAY!!!! Also known as the release of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. As detailed in last year’s post on the subject, I love SI Swimsuit. Based on my…

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Crispy Baked Chicken Tenders with Sriracha Honey Mustard

I’ve had a soft spot for chicken fingers for as long as I can remember. As a kid, they were practically a diet staple, especially after my parents started enforcing my pediatrician’s Draconian limitations on pizza and grilled cheese. I don’t like to think about those years. Some of my happiest memories actually involve eating…

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Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding

Side view of a clear jar filled with chia seed pudding and toped with diced mango, coconut flakes, and shaved chocolate.

This foolproof vanilla chia seed pudding recipe is a nutrient-packed meal or snack. The pudding takes all of 5 minutes to prep and produces a delicious chia seed pudding that lasts for up to 5 days in the fridge! Chia seed pudding is weird and awesome. In case you’re not familiar with the trendy superfood,…

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Dark Chocolate Chipotle Popcorn

I like going to the movies for a lot of reasons, but it’s mostly for the snacks. Everyone knows that a good movie is enhanced by good food, and I don’t like to limit said food to the concession stand. In fact, I’m all about BYO treats when it comes to movie theaters. Yes, I…

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20-Minute Chicken Posole

Brooklyn makes me nervous. Despite having lived in Manhattan for several years, I have only been to Brooklyn a grand total of 7 times. This is largely a result of laziness and my healthy fear of the subway, but it also has something to do with the vibe. It very much pains me to admit…

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"Shakshuka" Egg White Frittata with Turkey Sausage

I’m a pretty messy person. Sadly, messiness appears to be a familial trait, like fancy hoarding and being chronically late. Yes, it’s shameful, and I hate to think of the hovels that my family members would happily live in if left to their own devices, but I try not to let genetics get me down.…

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Dark Chocolate Cherry Granola with Crunchy Quinoa

IT’S ALMOST CHRISTMAS! I’m excited. I mentioned last week that my mom and I are spending Christmas at my great Uncle’s house, and we were supposed to make our holiday debut down south on Saturday. Welllll, things got pushed back slightly. Since both my mother I are famous for being fashionably late, I wasn’t exactly…

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Farro Risotto with Prosciutto, Parmesan and Brussels Sprouts

Last night was Roommate Christmas, the third best day of the year (after my birthday and actual Christmas, obviously). Since my roommate and I spend the holiday with our respective families, our own Christmas celebration always takes place the week before. We open presents, drink cocktails, listen to holiday music via (luckily most of…

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