Seared Ahi Bowls with Roasted Cauliflower and Red Chimichurri

I rarely cook fish. This was initially a personal choice, as it took a very long time to get over my many culinary school fish traumas. To be honest, I feel like all I did at Le Cordon Bleu was cook fish. Roasted fish, grilled fish, poached fish, pan-seared fish, fish stuffed with other fish (WHY?!!). And…

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Baked Oatmeal with Orange and Almonds

I’m getting really real today, peeps. That was your fair warning, so if you’re just here for some cozy baked oatmeal, now would be the time to scroll to the recipe. I’ve touched on my anxiety from time to time over the years, but to be perfectly honest, shit majorly hit the fan in 2015…

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Ginger-Scallion Turkey Burgers with Spicy Peanut Sauce

When I think about it, each stage of my life can be marked by a specific turkey burger. I’m weirdly proud of this fact. In the 90s/early 2000s, my babysitter made super basic, fuss-free turkey burgers for my siblings and me at least once a week. No fillers, no toppings, just ground turkey, salt and…

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Grilled Salmon Tacos with Pomegranate-Jalapeño Salsa

Happy Friday from LA, friends! Today is the first day of The Dude Diet photo shoot and honestly, I feel like I’m going to throw up. That might be because being awake at 6am makes me nauseous, but it’s more likely a combo of excitement and anticipatory anxiety. I take comfort in the fact that…

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Just The Tip: How To Make Cauliflower Rice

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Happy Friday/Just The Tip day, friends! Let’s talk cauliflower “rice.” Cauliflower “rice”—aka cauliflower florets that have been broken down into rice-like granules—has been cool for a while now, and I’m pretty sure it’s here to stay. As far as food trends go, it seems to have the staying power of chia seeds, which in my mind…

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Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

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HEYO, happy fall Friday, friends. Let’s talk Pumpkin Pie Smoothie. Personally, I drink smoothies year round, but if you tend to think of them as a warm weather breakfast/snack, this festive fall number is about to change your mind. It’s simultaneously cozy and refreshing, and the health benefits are clutch, especially with all the holiday feasting…

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PB&J Smoothie

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Happy Friday, party people! I’m excited to announce that Friday vids this fall will be alternating between Just The Tip and my latest project SHUT UP AND SMOOTHIE. This series was inspired by two equally important things: My general obsession with smoothies, which I’m convinced make me smarter and prettier every time I drink one.…

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Butternut Squash Brown Rice Bake with Sausage and Apples

I know I just claimed seasonal dysmorphia, but I’m pleased to report that I finally turned the fall corner last weekend. My roommate and I went out to a friend’s house in New Jersey, and we spent Sunday morning kicking around at a local farm that offered every autumnal activity you could possibly imagine. (And then…

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Five Spice Sweet Potato Soup

I know it’s still hot as shit outside (at least in NYC), and some of you are not pleased to be looking at soup right now. I’m sorry. Truth be told, I’m a little under the weather from last night’s shenanigans, and as I sit here pantsless in breathable attire, I very much regret the timing of…

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Grilled Pitas with White Bean Basil Spread and Roasted Tomatoes

I’m currently en route to Colorado for a wedding and running on very little sleep, so I thought we’d do a casual Friday thing today. Food first, then some random musings and internet fun? These Grilled Pitas with White Bean Basil Spread and Roasted Cherry Tomatoes, peeps. Hot damn. I’ll eat pretty much anything on…

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The Sassy Desk Lunch Round-Up

Whatsup, friends? I hope you had a glorious Labor Day weekend, and that you’re starting this short week feeling fresh as a daisy. (Or at the very least, not too hungover, jet-lagged, or miserable.) I can’t really get behind the “Welcome to Fall!!!” theme that’s happening on the interwebs today, especially since it’s 90 degrees…

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Peach Crumble Smoothie

I’ve been starving in the morning these days. This is odd given that I’m rarely hungry before 11am, and I’ve been practically force-feeding myself breakfast for as long as I can remember. I love me some breakfast food and very much appreciate that it brings me into the land of the living (I’m the hottest of…

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Easy Edamame Dip

I have a perpetual to-do list floating around in my head. It has nothing to do with work—I write that shit down—it’s more lifestyle goals that I’d like to achieve at some point in the near-ish future. (I say “near-ish” because my doctor claims I have a pre-ulcer, and I shouldn’t put extra pressure on…

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Quinoa Broccoli Slaw

Two years ago around this time, my college girl group broke up. Meg Starr went off to Stanford for sassy business things, and Annabel decided to move to Boston with her man-friend, leaving Daphne, Lara and me in NYC. Sure, I was happy for the deserters, but I’d also grown accustomed to the five of…

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Spiralized Carrot Salad with Herbs and Toasted Almonds

I’m lazy and disorganized in so many ways. These are just facts that I have come to accept about my sparkling personality. (Love yourself! Your flaws are beautiful! Insert other affirmations!!!) I’m usually pretty good about keeping these less awesome traits under wraps and going about my business, but things got more than a little out of…

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Lettuce Wraps with Five Spice Flank Steak and Peanut Sauce

I’m really into Google Analytics.  For the past few years, GA has been a perpetually open tab on my computer screen, and I often find myself mesmerized by its knowledge and general wizardry. Google can tell me how many wonderful people are on this site at any given time, what brought them here, what they’re looking at,…

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Arugula Salad with Shaved Zucchini, Pistachios and Parmesan

When my stepmother asked me last year if I’d lend my culinary skillz to a fundraiser she was organizing for the MDI Hospital, I enthusiastically agreed. Having visited that ER with many a scary bug bite, sprained ankle, and panic attack, I was happy to do whatever I could to help raise funds for the hospital that…

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Chicken Paillard with Arugula and Watermelon Salad

You guys, I have a new assistant!! Her name is Sarah, and she is lovely. Sarah came came onto the scene a few weeks ago, and having her around has been a total game changer. Her job description is still evolving, but for now, she mostly answers the phone and gets me out of things…

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16 Mouthwatering Recipes For Memorial Day Weekend

Summer is coming. Yes, the official first day of the season is still a good month out, but I feel like Memorial Day will always be summer’s true kickoff (right?). And given the fact that New Yorkers have been wandering the streets in their finest nearly-naked ensembles for the past two weeks, I’d say we’re off to a running…

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Grilled Vegetable Salad with Farro

Since becoming a “grown-up” New Yorker, I’ve developed a love-hate relationship with summer. (I know it’s not quite summer yet, but Memorial Day is almost upon us, and it’s supposed to be 90 degrees tomorrow, so I feel like it’s acceptable to start discussing my former favorite season. Go with it.) The hate part can largely…

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Matcha-colada Smoothie Bowl

I screwed up, and I’m sorry. It’s been a hectic few weeks, and in my flustered state I somehow misread my calendar, making next week’s recipes this week. I was okay with it (it’s not like you would know), but then I realized that the Kentucky Derby was this weekend and Cinco de Mayo was Tuesday. The…

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